About us

Get to know us

Hey! My name is Benjamin. I founded Next Adventure Creations in March of 2022 with my lovely better half, Megan. We are joined by my mom, Teresa, our creation specialist. We have 3 wonderful kids: Parker (11), Olivia (3), and Christian (not quite 1 yet). 

What made me decide to start a business? Megan bought a cricut for me to make invitations for our kids' birthday party (I have a habit of trying to go all out for their parties). I had so much fun designing them and making them with the cricut that I wanted to try making something else - which led to making door mats, which led to other home decor. I told Megan that I was going to start a business and wanted to start it with her, and here we are!

We were excited when my mom accepted our invite to join us in our "Next Adventure". As she wages her battle with cancer, this is a great outlet. She is able to do something she loves, along with sharing it with all of you! 

Family staff photo

We have currently converted our garage into our work space, but hope to be able to move into a dedicated workshop building in the future (I would like my parking spots back lol). All of our home decor is hand crafted by us. All of our shirts are designed by us. We use a third party to print the shirts for us so we can have the best quality product for you. 

If you guys have any questions for us, do not hesitate to drop us a message. We would be overjoyed to hear from you and get to know each and every one of you better! Just hit the contact button at the top of the screen.

I hope you all enjoyed our little bio. Have a wonderful day!

-Benjamin and the Next Adventure Creations team :)